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A Letter from Zeb. April 2009. Sedona, AZ
I'm Zeb.. Me and My two oldest friends on earth stayed at L & J's Grasshopper Lane home for several
days.. We simply Loved Sedona.. We found our Chi..

Things we did..

Great Breakfast... At the MacDonald's strip mall. 1/2 a mile from the house. CAFE  JOSE Restaurant. 2370 West Highway 89A (928) 282-0299. BEST breakfast EVER.. Especially the mexican food...

We climbed the mountains a 1/4 of a mile from Coffee Pot and Hwy 89A, and Airport Mesa in search of Male and Female vortexes... Very Good Kama.

Sedona is cold this time of year bring early spring wear with you and your favorite hiking shoes.

People in Sedona are active, go out all of the time. We did everything from going to the library, climbing mountains and driving the Sedona park loop.. Get up early and go.
The brewery is 3 blocks from the house across from Bashas supermarket.. Twice a week is drum night don't miss it.. Good Chi. and the fire pit is were the local hang. Buy the 5 dollar lager and keep the glass as a souvenirs.

Everybody we came in contact with had such good Kama.. Simply wonderful...

Sedona State Park TAKE the TOUR!! We had a blast it was two hours but it was great orientation guide to the names of the mountains, the plant and tree & water life.

Our big Money adventure, we went the VERDE CANYON Railroad in Clarksdale outside Cottonwood.( on the coffee table Sedona Chamber of Commerce book has the info. page 4?) Fabulous Adventure. If you decide to do this BOOK early. Cheaper for the coach, you will be outside in the viewing car for most it. We ended up going first class for $71. ea with the AAA discount. The train Departure time is 1:00. Good early
around 9:00 stop in downtown Cottonwood  and go to Tuzigoot National Park. You can see the train station from the park. Cost 5 dollars to see the museum.. Its only worth five but you are there.

On our way home we stopped at Larry's Antiques 796 North Main Street Cottonwood (928) 639-1822 closes at five? We went back to Cottonwood just go to Larry's there is a lot of the Southwest in this Junk Store... Cool Vortex...

Homemade ice cream sucks in Sedona ..Save your Money. Old Sedona is not to be missed. Food. So-so.

Kaisers Restaurant is a local gin mill with better food..


Coming down the canyon out of Flagstaff. or travel north on 89A pass the two round-abouts. and continue up the canyon around the Dairy Queen the local indian families sell hade made jewelry. Good People haggling is fun. LOOK at EVERYTHING first then buy.. Buy Local. Nice Energy here...

Enchantment Resort 525 Canyon Road Sedona.. Yup a resort.. a friend suggested this.. All the movies Stars stay here. Go for LUNCH 928-204-6055. We ordered the 15 dollar burgers. The resort is beautiful, and the FOOD was the BEST EVER!!! Yup a 15 dollar burger.. it's worth 25.
Our trip was so wonderful.. I can only compare to this.. When you leave High School and go on you realize some time later that you closed the door on high School and you are in a different spot... I walked into Sedona and my life was changed when we left.. I wish you the same.. I hear the tap water you drink in Sedona is so good, 2500 years old.. or it just might be the wind that whipped through my soul...

Lastly, at night.. The Milky Way is not a candy bar...

Be blessed, enjoy your Safari...

Good Kama


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