Earthplace Visitor is reviewing artistic essays, poetry, and travel commentaries relevant to "place."

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Big City Bus Creativity

Riding the bus can be a very creative act

Here's how

carefully chose the appropriate outfit
it has to be comfortable
and it has to cover your skin

This will save you from worry
about the cookie crumbs and cooties
encountered on some seats

find out what the bus fare costs

You don't want to look like a pastime rider
but a very seasoned one who
knows what to take precautions against

be sure you wear a sturdy pair
of comfortable shoes that allow you to run and jump

You never know when
someone may step on your feet, or
you have to run to the back door and jump off
while the bus is still moving

You just never know
so be prepared

Carry a bag with a Velcro closure
or a loud zipper that makes an ugly noise when opened
This will embarrass a pick-pocketer

Now, gear ready for your adventure
make good use time on the bus

Be alert and pay attention
to everything and everyone
for inspiration

Writers, take good notes
Be warned to write in metaphors
because someone is watching
over your shoulder, reading all
the sh_ _  you capture on paper


My most mysterious writings have come
from bus rides, watching lava lamp waves
reflect off of night-bus windows -

Such transformed images of passengers
surrounding the footsteps sized space
I occupy during an unseated journey
to feed creativity

Pretend you belong to multiplying
urban micro-cultures that sometimes
fester on worn-to-a-fringe seats
carried in steel containers
by black rubber Michelin's

Take a mental stroll
riding in the carriage

Let yourself go...

More importantly, when your imaginary self arrives,
be sure to do something crazy

The next stop is

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