Earthplace Visitor is reviewing artistic essays, poetry, and travel commentaries relevant to "place."

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Place of Thanksgiving


Greetings of chiming carillon
burning sage blessings
drumming to elders
who have passed

Among us there are hungry
People have come together
to awaken thoughts
of the needy, and
to help them

As we are gathered
remember our good earth
with all of its bounty
Let us learn to share

Cherokee drum and chants
lend all to come
with new prayers

Come Hindu chanter
hymns of peace

Come Hebrew brethren
for all chant prayer blessings
on our land
our good land

Come Buddhist
share your consciousness
for enlightenment

Come Muslim brothers and sisters
Remind all worlds
of the sea life
of those who take to sky
of those who walk on land
of those whom we don't know.

Come message from Japan
"You who sow sparingly will reap the same way"
Generosity to others
keep all blessed and strong

Come Sanctus, sanctus
Come benevolent Congolese
Share love and happiness
in excelsis

Let friends and music come
Together in thanks
we share blessings

Let bald babies bounce on
laps of loving parents while
children's voices sing

Sun thawed frozen leaves
and warmed morning grounds
Gratitude and appreciation
honor this day's


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