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Midwest October Love

 October was ominously beautiful
with its many storm filled skies
clouds with shapes like thick
milky skins, stretched long
pushed to gather like wrinkled fat
a protective skin layered
to cover us and shadow our lake.

Those October days were overcoat cold.
Grounds remained wet from so much
rain - the leaves of the trees turned
gold, and some to flame.
Bold tree attitudes, tall to blame
for demanding attention, they
absorbed a lot of the rain.
Like thirsty athletes, they stood
strong, holding onto their leaves
during winds whirled
as long as they could
for us to see colorful crowns
underneath the only three
or four days of sunglow that was
ominously beautiful.

On October’s end days,
leaves dropped to the ground
over the ponds and porch stairs.
All the hard bottom surfaces
onto which we stepped were carpeted
with moist and colorful
leaf curls that looked
ominously beautiful.

Secrets flourished in small villages
behind doors, and in big city
skyscrapers with many floors.
Those are places good secrets
can be found, where people who love
cuddled, tucked away, keeping sound
take time to find beauty that goes beyond
autumn turns.  People who love,
 hold kind truths together
 to nourish their lives. Together,
 they will conquer the ominous
with beauty beyond the obvious,
within their own eternal sublime.

-copyright 2009 June Felicia Bennett-

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