Earthplace Visitor is reviewing artistic essays, poetry, and travel commentaries relevant to "place."

Submit such writings for publication review to:

Write "Submission for review" in the Subject line of your email.


meet me by the water

meet me by the water:
we’ll count the waves
we’ll stop the breathing
we’ll ache the weaving
of pulses that make up
this complex never-less

dip into the depths
inch by inch
step by step
watch the water rise
its touch up your olive skin
donate your dreams
offload your worries


and you shall be given

meet me by the water
where new beginnings
don’t exist
only transformations
into the new you…
the new us…
the new self
the new wholeness

and ask

without expecting
an answer


it is what it is
and the answer is already
tattooed into your fingers
as the lady who levitated

for no one else
will you smile
but for yourself

meet me by the water

count up to nine
and bring into being:

your self
simply wants to be

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do love this poen... than you for sharing it! New beginning don't exist...only transformations.