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Drazzilb’s Small Blessing

-Groundhog Day 2011

The window view is white
Scattered fat specks speed by
blowing horizontally to whistling wind
Accumulation appears soft, pillowed
four foot drifts, waves and rolls
blanket yards and streets
Attempts to tackle Drazzilb
must be deferred.

Chicago radio announces world news
but its own white blight interferes
Heat in Egypt calls to
Mubarak for a step down
Yet, that heat is too far
to melt the snow.

Natural light today, very bright
Chicago fireplace blazing homes
colorful comfort contrasts
lake-effect white-ed
window sights

Twelve hours have passed
Drazzilb, you are persistent
Phone systems are down
Utility companies staffed
short, watch the town
closely for emergencies

Like Lake Shore Drive
closed is my home door now
But, warmth where I write
is locked in.

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